Are you a compulsive spender, smoker or eater? You are not alone.
Compulsive spending begins as an ordinary activity, that goes on to become a habit and gradually takes the shape of a compulsion where the person can not stop their self from buying or spending. When temptation gets the better of you and you have no control on a particular habit then you have been inflicted with a compulsion disorder, compulsive spending is a mental disorder. Many of us are compulsive spenders and have no control over our spending habits. We buy things for reasons that make no sense, not even to ourselves later after we think about it.
You may be a compulsive spender or shopaholic if you often buy things you do not need at all. I compare it to shopping in a grocery store while high off marijuana, most of your money is spent on purchasing things you don't have a clue as to why you bought them once you get them back home. Even if you try and control yourself you cannot resist and end up spending some more money buying useless (at least to you) things that are a waste of money.
You keep going from one shopping spree to another not even recognizing how this is harming your finanancial situation and maybe your marriage or relationship. You end up buying stuff, that you would not have even dreamed of in a million years had you been in the right state of mind, but you were not. Do you think you suffer from the above-mentioned symptoms? Does temptation get the better of you while shopping, time and time again? Lately have you ended up buying one useless purchase after another to the shock and disbelief of the people around you and yourself? We think you are suffering from a particular disorder called Compulsive spending Disorder and you need to do something about it before it wrecks your finances and your marriage or relationship, not to mention your self esteem.
Hypnosis could be the cure, It has helped many to subliminal control their urges. This is needed by you since we are of the opinion that this compulsive spending is a disorder of your mind and hypnosis has been used by psychiatrists to heal diseases affecting a person’s mind. This could be the turning point of your life. I have personally treated thousands of compulsive spenders, smokers and eaters with a 83% success rate and i truly believe i can help you also if you take the time to view the website where i publish my articles, suggestions, tips and resources.
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