Fat loss can increase Penis size, new study shows.
There will be a big gigantic media interest in this question in the next few days and weeks, but I wanted to speak on it before the hoopla.
Losing weight seems to be able to increase your penis size!
The actual amount or degree at which it does this differs from doctor to doctor and specialist to specialist, but the average agreed on is somewhere around one inch per 35 pounds of excess weight. So skinny guys, prepare to be chased, like the guy on the Axe body spray commercial, after this hits the media.
For a scientific explanation you will hear all sorts of doctors and book writers debating in the near future, but in reality most of this is optical illusion.
Explanation: The more excess weight a man carries the bigger the fatty tissue around the base of his penis gets. The bigger the fatty tissue around the base of the penis, the more room the penis has to retreat into this fatty area. So losing that fatty tissue makes the penis hang farther and appear longer or bigger. So there is some truth to the old joke about fat men not seeing their penis for years. And the excess weight has the effect of making you healthier and your blood rate better, so the erections of health (non obese) men tend to be firmer than those of fatties.
I hope this answers a few questions, and I also hope all you “less blessed” guys don’t start a trend of Hollywood actress eating disorder looking guys on the prowl at the local night clubs.
Best way or place to lose fat. Secret tactics, no meds or surgery.
Size matters. Give your woma a reason to love you!